What is SaaS?

While researching for an article about Microsoft SaaS maturity model, I was expecting to come across the original blog or information from Microsoft website but I only saw reference and was not able to spot the right URL. Eventually, I got below information courtesy of EMEA Architect Forum. Courtesy of Microsoft.


What is SaaS?
What is SaaS? Image courtesy – Microsoft EMEA Architect Forum.

1.A hosted IT capability.

2.Optimized for delivery as a service.

3.Over the Internet.

What is Microsoft’s SaaS Maturity Model?

Microsoft’s SaaS maturity model was proposed by Microsoft in the year 2006. It provides a framework for accessing SaaS products and how a SaaS solution is delivered to the end users. It also analyzes a SaaS solution’s maturity based on three key aspects: scalability, multi-tenancy and configurability.

The SaaS maturity model is divided into four levels of development.

1.Single-Tenant, Custom Instances

2. Single-Tenant, Configurable Instances

3. Multi-Tenant, Configurable

4. Multi-Tenant Configurable & Scalable.

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